Message From The Supervisor

SupervisorI am honoured to have succeeded Ms. Liu Huiqing, Ms. Poon Bee Mee and Mr. Ng Shui Kee to become the 4th Supervisor of Ming Wai International Kindergartens and Nurseries. Ming Wai has a 57-year history, and the vision of its founder, Ms. Liu Huiqing, is truly admirable.

Ms. Liu graduated from the Education Department of Fudan University in Shanghai and founded Ming Wai Kindergarten in Hong Kong in 1968. She was one of the few early childhood education professionals at the time to have a university degree in education. Ms. Poon Bee Mee was a dedicated lifelong educator in Hong Kong, well respected by countless students. Mr. Ng took over her legacy and lifted Ming Wai to new heights.

Over the past 57 years, Ming Wai Kindergarten continued to flourish, expanding its campuses from Hong Kong Island to Kowloon, and has nurtured thousands of graduates who contributed to the development of Hong Kong. Our graduates harbour a deep affection for Ming Wai and have established the Ming Wai Alumni Association. They have shared their experiences with the new generation of students and parents as well as offered support to the advancement of Ming Wai education.

I have always had a deep appreciation for the name “Ming Wai”. In Chinese, “Ming” refers to a person who possesses knowledge, integrity, and upholds morality, while “Wai” represents intelligence, resilience, and daring innovation. A new generation that embodies both attributes will be well-prepared for the current era of globalization and rapid technological evolution. The mission of our entire staff is to collaborate closely with parents to nurture our students in developing both “Ming” and “Wai” so that future generations can enjoy their successes and become key contributors to society. I truly look forward to our working together towards this goal.

Professor Shen Shir Ming

Former Dean of Faculty of Social Sciences, The University of Hong Kong

Former Deputy Director of HKU SPACE

Founding President of Yew Chung College of Early Childhood Education